Camper Van Road Trip Games for Your Next Adventure

Road trips in a camper van are not just a way to get from A to B. They’re a chance for fun memories with the family. Yet, long drives can make everyone, especially kids, a bit bored. That’s where road trip games come in. They can keep everyone entertained and happy during the journey. From classic road trip pastimes to fun craft projects, there’s something for everyone.

Don’t forget about the camper van road trip games. They can make the journey even better. These games bring people closer or just help pass the time. Therefore, you have a lot of options to enjoy on your next adventure.

Key Takeaways

  • Camper van road trips can be enhanced with a variety of entertaining games and activities.
  • Road trip games help pass the time, foster bonding, and encourage creativity and engagement.
  • Classic games like I Spy, License Plate Game, and 20 Questions are timeless options for camper van adventures.
  • Travel-friendly crafts and portable games can be enjoyed at the campsite, adding to the overall experience.
  • Incorporating games and activities into your camper van road trip can transform the journey into a truly memorable and enjoyable experience.

Introduction to Camper Van Road Trip Games

Camper van road trip games are not just fun. They offer many cool benefits. They help time pass and stop boredom, especially for kids. Games make the journey fun and keep people entertained. This stops boredom and makes time fly.

Playing these games can make your group closer. Families and friends enjoy and remember the time spent together. Games are not just fun. They also help with creativity and problem-solving.

Setting the Tone for an Entertaining Journey

Adding travel-friendly games makes your camper van trip fun. Pick fun activities before you leave. This makes sure everyone has a good time together. Games break up long drives and add fun surprises.

You can choose from classic games or new ones made for travel. Either way, including games in your trip can turn it into a great memory. It’s a good way for the family to bond.

Classic Road Trip Games

Classic road trip games are a great way to keep everyone entertained while traveling in a camper van. Games like I Spy, the License Plate Game, and 20 Questions turn long drives into fun adventures. They’ve been loved for years and are perfect for making memories on the road.

I Spy

I Spy is a game everyone can enjoy on the road. One player chooses an object they see and gives a clue by saying, “I spy with my little eye, something that is…” Everyone else then tries to guess the object by asking the player questions. This game is not just fun, but it also helps with spotting things outside, thinking and talking with friends and family.

License Plate Game

The License Plate Game is another favorite for camper van trips. Players look out for license plates from different states or provinces. They keep track of the plates they find. This game keeps everyone alert and curious about the places they’re traveling through.

20 Questions

20 Questions is a great game for a camper van adventure. One player thinks of something, and the others have 20 questions to guess what it is. Asking smart questions in this game means players really have to think hard. It’s fun and helps with problem-solving and talking together.

Camper Van Road Trip Games

Road Trip Bingo is a fun game for your camper van road trip. Everyone gets a card with stuff to find out the window. They cross off what they see. The first to mark a whole line, column, or diagonal yells bingo. It makes watching the world outside your window a fun activity.

Sheep on My Side

In Sheep on My Side, players watch for sheep out their window. They call out, “Sheep on my side!” when they spot one. The goal is to see more sheep on your side than the other player. This game brings some fun competition to the road.

Sweet or Sour

Sweet or Sour is about waving to people and seeing if they wave back. Players take turns trying to get a wave. A wave back is a point. It’s a fun way to interact with others and bring some cheer to your road trip.


Twenty is a challenging counting game. Players go around counting from 1 to 20 but can’t say the same number at the same time. It tests how well you listen and think on your feet.

Yes or No

In the Yes or No game, one person picks something. Everyone else has to guess what it is by asking yes or no questions. The person with the answer can’t say yes or no. It’s a game that sharpens your thinking and how well you ask questions.

Camper Van Road Trip Games

Travel-Friendly Crafts and Activities

Bringing travel-friendly crafts and activities is perfect for keeping everyone occupied on a camper van road trip. Printable masks and coloring books are great for sparking creativity and fun. They don’t take up much space in your bag and are simple to use.

On a camper van road trip, you could also make dreamcatchers or do lacing projects. These crafts help with hand-eye coordination and focus. They’re light to carry and use at any stop or campground. Plus, dreamcatchers can make your camper van feel more unique.

Portable Games for the Campsite

On a camper van road trip, games entertain you during the journey. But, having fun activities at your camping spot is key. Take corn hole as an example. It’s an easy-to-set-up game for the whole family. You toss bean bags into a platform. This simple act promotes fun competition and gets everyone moving.

Bocce ball is another great choice for your camper van adventure. It’s a centuries-old Italian game where you throw or roll balls at a smaller target. Adults and kids alike can enjoy it. Playing bocce ball builds social skills, strategic thought, and keeps the fun spirit alive on your trip.

Keeping Kids Entertained on the Road

Keeping kids entertained on long camper van trips is hard. But, some fun games can make the time fly by. One such game is a

Pirate Map Adventure

. Before you leave, make a map showing different cool places you’ll see. As you drive, kids check off the spots they find. This simple game helps kids




, and feel the thrill of the journey.

To keep kids excited while traveling, try

Travel Scavenger Hunt Cards

. The cards list fun things to find or do. This might include finding a certain


, picking up a specific


, or snapping a


with a cool


Camper Van Road Trip Games for Bonding

Road trip games help families and friends grow closer. Storytelling games are great for this. In these games, people share stories or make a story together. This helps them get to know each other better and makes fun memories. It’s all about creativity, talking, and showing feelings. This makes the group stronger.

Another fun game is waving at people. We talked about the “Hello There” game before. In this game, you wave at others on the road. It’s a nice way to feel connected to others, even if you don’t know them. Playing this and similar games can make the trip more fun and happy.

camper van road trip games for bonding

Camper van road trip games

Creating playlists for your camper van road trip is a great idea. You can pick music that’s upbeat, makes you feel nostalgic, or fits a certain theme. This sets the mood for the journey, making it feel exciting and fun. A good playlist can make any moment more memorable, from nights around the campfire to days on the road.

Magical Music Playlists

Add camping-themed games to your trip for more fun. Games like “Toasted or Roasted” are perfect for the setting. Players try to perfectly toast a marshmallow. And “Go Find It” makes finding items in your camper’s area a game. These activities make your camper van adventure extra special.

Camping-Themed Games

Snacking Games for Foodies

Are you a food-focused traveler? A game called “Snack Time” will make your camper van road trip more interesting. The goal is to find unique local snacks at every stop. This turns each snack into a story of its own, letting you experience different regional flavors. It’s also a fun way to bond with your travel buddies and adds a dash of cooking adventure to the trip.

Local Snack Collection

At your camper van campsite, the excitement continues with campfire cooking contests. These challenges are all about making the best or most unique dish over the campfire. It’s a great way to connect with nature and each other. Moreover, it adds some friendly competition and culinary creativity to your journey.

camper van snacking games

Travel Journals and Activity Logs

Keeping a travel journal or log on your camper van road trip is a great idea. It helps you remember the places, fun experiences, and special moments. You can relive the adventure by looking back at what you wrote. This journal encourages you to be in the present and think about your experiences over and over.

Documenting Memories

When you write in a travel journal during your camper van road trip, you’re making a real record of your fun. It captures the games you played, sights you saw, and how you felt. Later, reading it will bring back the joy of your camper van adventure. Enjoy remembering and valuing the fun you had along the way with travel-friendly games and road trip entertainment.

Creative Writing Prompts

Travel journals can also be a place for creative writing. You can use writing prompts to tell stories, write poems, or reflect on experiences with friends. For example, you could write about a beautiful view, make up stories about other travelers, or remember a special camper van campfire. This kind of writing encourages creativity and helps you bond with your group during your camper van road trip.

Conclusion.  How to have a Van Life Wedding or Honeymoon

Add excitement to your camper van adventure with fun road trip games and activities. Why not try some classic games, easy crafts, or portable games? These can make the journey better for everyone.

Planning is key. Just enjoy exploring and having adventures with your camper van. It’s a great way to make lasting memories with family or friends. So, prepare, set off, and get ready to have a blast.

There’re so many ways to have fun, from games to crafts to enjoying each other’s company. What matters is being open and ready for fun. A camper van trip can be a treasure trove of good memories with the right attitude and activities. It’s all about making the most of your time together.


What are some classic road trip games to play in a camper van?

In a camper van, classics like I Spy, the License Plate Game, and 20 Questions are perfect. They’re fun for all ages.

What are some other fun games to play during a camper van road trip?

You can also try Road Trip Bingo, Sheep on My Side, and Yes or No. These games keep the fun going.

What are some travel-friendly crafts and activities to bring on a camper van road trip?

Consider bringing printable masks and coloring books. Dreamcatchers and lacing projects are also a hit. They add creativity to your journey.

What portable games are suitable for the camper van campsite?

Portable games like Corn Hole and Bocce Ball work well. They’re great for outdoor fun by the camper van.

How can I keep kids entertained during long camper van drives?

A Pirate Map Adventure and travel scavenger hunt cards are great. They keep the kids excited and occupy their time.

What are some camper van road trip games that can help foster bonding?

Storytelling and waving games are awesome. They make everyone feel closer by sharing stories and waves with others on the road.

How can music enhance the camper van road trip experience?

Making special playlists for your journey is amazing. It adds a magical touch and brings everyone in the van together.

What are some camping-themed games to play during a camper van road trip?

Toasted or Roasted and Go Find It are top choices. They blend the camping feel with the camper van adventure smoothly.

How can food-focused games add to the camper van road trip experience?

Snack Time and campfire cooking contests are cool. They make food fun and bring out the chef in everyone.

How can keeping a travel journal or activity log enhance a camper van road trip?

A log or journal with writing prompts is a great idea. It records your journey and keeps memorable moments alive in your mind.

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