“Best Van Life Modifications for Under $100”

Are you ready to hit the road and embark on a van life adventure? Or maybe you’re already living the van life and looking to upgrade your camper van on a budget. Either way, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll show you how to customize your campervan with affordable van life modifications. So, get ready to transform your van into a comfortable and stylish home on wheels without breaking the bank.

Whether you’re a seasoned van lifer or just starting out, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to your mobile home. With a little creativity and a budget of under $100, you can make significant upgrades to enhance your van life experience. From clever storage solutions to alternative water and kitchen options, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the best van life modifications that won’t drain your wallet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Customize your camper van with affordable modifications
  • Get creative with storage solutions to maximize space
  • Consider second-hand items for a budget-friendly build
  • Explore alternative water and kitchen options
  • Repurpose household items for a personal touch

Van Conversion Hack #1: Consider Second-Hand Items

Looking to save money on your van conversion? One of the best cheap van conversion hacks is to consider second-hand items. By shopping for used items, you can find great deals and save a significant amount of money in the process.

There are various places where you can find second-hand items for your van conversion. Start by checking classifieds sites like Craigslist, where people often sell their used camper van equipment. Additionally, local camper conversion Facebook groups and Facebook Marketplace can be excellent resources for finding affordable second-hand items.

Don’t forget to explore local thrift stores as well. They often have a range of furniture, appliances, and other items that can be repurposed for your van conversion. Shopping at thrift stores not only saves money but also gives you the opportunity to find unique and vintage pieces that add character to your camper van.

Another great way to find second-hand items is to ask your friends and family if they have anything they’re looking to get rid of. You never know what hidden gems they may have stored away in their garages or attics.

Shopping second-hand is not only a budget-friendly option but also a sustainable choice. By giving used items a new life in your van conversion, you’re reducing waste and minimizing your environmental impact.

When considering second-hand items, make sure to inspect them carefully before making a purchase. Check for any damage or defects that could affect their functionality. It’s also a good idea to negotiate the price with the seller to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible.

So before you splurge on brand new items for your van conversion, take the time to explore second-hand options. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also add a unique touch to your camper van with one-of-a-kind finds. Don’t miss out on this budget-friendly van conversion hack!

Benefits of Second-Hand Items for Van Conversion
1. Cost-effective: Second-hand items are often significantly cheaper than buying new, allowing you to save money on your van conversion.
2. Unique finds: Shopping second-hand gives you the opportunity to find unique and vintage items that add character to your camper van.
3. Sustainable choice: By repurposing used items, you’re reducing waste and minimizing your environmental impact.
4. Wide selection: There are many places to find second-hand items, including classifieds sites, Facebook groups, thrift stores, and through friends and family.

Where to Find Second-Hand Items for Van Conversion

Here are some popular options for finding second-hand items for your van conversion:

  1. Classifieds sites like Craigslist
  2. Local camper conversion Facebook groups
  3. Facebook Marketplace
  4. Local thrift stores
  5. Asking friends and family

Exploring these options will expand your chances of finding affordable second-hand items that meet your van conversion needs.

Consider second-hand items as a cheap van conversion hack that allows you to save money, while also adding character and sustainability to your camper van. Start hunting for second-hand treasures today!

Van Conversion Hack #2: Skip The Expensive Water Pump

Adding running water to your camper van doesn’t have to be expensive. Instead of investing in an expensive and loud RV water pump system, consider using water jugs with a battery-powered water dispenser or a submersible water pump. These affordable alternatives still allow you to have a faucet and running water in your van without the high cost. Plus, they’re easier to use and maintain.

With budget-friendly water options for van conversion, you can enjoy the convenience of running water in your camper van without breaking the bank. Opting for alternative solutions can save you money and make your van life experience more enjoyable. Here are two budget-friendly options:

1. Water Jugs with Battery-Powered Water Dispenser

Water jugs with a battery-powered water dispenser provide a simple and cost-effective solution for your van’s water needs. These jugs can be easily refilled and connected to a faucet for easy access to running water. The battery-powered water dispenser allows you to control the flow of water and ensures a steady supply without the need for a pump system. This option is ideal for those looking for a low-maintenance and budget-friendly alternative.

2. Submersible Water Pump

A submersible water pump is another affordable option for your van’s water system. This small pump can be placed directly in a water container or tank, providing a continuous flow of water to your faucet. It’s compact, easy to install, and requires minimal maintenance. By using a submersible water pump, you can have running water in your van without the cost and hassle of a traditional RV water pump system.

Both of these alternatives offer a budget-friendly way to incorporate running water into your van conversion. They provide convenience and functionality without the hefty price tag. Whether you choose to use water jugs with a battery-powered dispenser or a submersible water pump, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of running water in your camper van without compromising your budget.

Water OptionProsCons
Water Jugs with Battery-Powered Water Dispenser
  • Affordable
  • Easy to use
  • Low maintenance
  • Requires manual refilling of water jugs
  • May have limited water capacity
  • Dependent on battery power
Submersible Water Pump
  • Budget-friendly
  • Compact and easy to install
  • Continuous flow of water
  • Requires a water container or tank
  • Possible noise from the pump
  • May require occasional maintenance

Consider your needs and preferences when choosing the water option that suits your van conversion. Both options provide an affordable alternative to the traditional RV water pump system, allowing you to enjoy the convenience of running water while staying within your budget.

budget-friendly water options for van conversion

Van Conversion Hack #3: Use a Camp Stove Instead of a Full Kitchen Setup

Building a full kitchen with built-in appliances can be costly. Instead, consider using a camp stove as a budget-friendly alternative for your van conversion.

Camp stoves are compact, portable, and can easily be stored when not in use. They provide a convenient way to prepare meals on the road without the need for extensive kitchen installations.

Here are some key advantages of using a camp stove:

  • Affordable: Camp stoves are a cost-effective option for outfitting your van kitchen. They are typically more budget-friendly than installing a full kitchen setup.
  • Compact and Portable: Camp stoves are designed to be lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for van life. They can be set up for cooking outdoors or inside the van, depending on your preferences and the weather.
  • Versatile: Camp stoves come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit different cooking needs. You can choose between propane or butane fuel options, depending on availability and your specific requirements.

If you decide to use a camp stove, consider pairing it with a camp table for added convenience. A camp table provides a stable surface for cooking and dining, and can also be used for storage purposes.

With a camp stove, you can enjoy home-cooked meals on the road without the expense and space requirements of a full kitchen setup. Embrace the simplicity and flexibility of a camp stove for your van life adventures!

Camp Stove Options

Camp Stove BrandPrice RangeFuel TypeFeatures
Coleman Classic Propane Stove$50 – $100Propane2 or 3 burners, wind protection
Camp Chef Everest High-Output Stove$100 – $150Propane2 burners, easy ignition, adjustable heat
Jetboil MiniMo Cooking System$150 – $200ButaneCompact, lightweight, rapid boiling
Primus Onja Stove$150 – $200ButanePortable, built-in cutting board, dual burners
MSR PocketRocket 2$30 – $50ButaneUltralight, fast boiling, compact design

Van Conversion Hack #4: Repurpose ‘House Items’ in Your Camper Van

When it comes to outfitting your van, getting creative and repurposing items from your home can be a game-changer. Not only does repurposing items for van conversion save you money, but it also adds a unique touch to your van’s interior. This sustainable approach to van life design allows you to reduce waste and give new life to items that would otherwise be thrown away.

Look around your house for things you can use in your camper van. For example, storage containers can be repurposed to keep your belongings organized, while old curtains can offer privacy and control light entering through your van’s windows. You can even bring in some decor pieces to make your van feel more like home.

By repurposing these ‘house items,’ you not only save money but also create a sense of familiarity and comfort in your van. You’ll be amazed at how a few small changes can transform your van’s interior and make it truly yours.

So before you head out to buy new items, take a look around your home and explore the potential of repurposing. It’s a sustainable and budget-friendly way to create a personalized and stylish living space in your camper van.

Benefits of Repurposing House Items

Repurposing items for your van conversion offers several benefits:

  • Cost savings: By using items you already own, you can significantly reduce the expenses of outfitting your van.
  • Sustainability: Repurposing promotes responsible consumption and reduces waste, making it an eco-friendly choice for van life design.
  • Personalization: Bringing items from your home into your van adds a touch of familiarity and makes the space feel uniquely yours.
  • Creative expression: Repurposing allows you to showcase your creativity and resourcefulness by transforming ordinary items into functional van accessories.

So, before you discard or donate items from your home, consider how they could be repurposed for your camper van. You’ll not only save money but also create a more sustainable and personalized living space.

Van Conversion Hack #5: Use an Icebox or Cooler

When it comes to storing food in your van, you don’t have to invest in expensive refrigeration systems. Instead, consider using an icebox or cooler as an affordable food storage option for your van life adventures. These portable devices can help you keep your perishable goods fresh without breaking the bank.

An icebox or cooler works by using ice or ice packs to maintain a cool temperature inside. Many items that typically require refrigeration, such as fruits, vegetables, and beverages, can be stored safely in an icebox or cooler for short periods. This allows you to save space in your van by eliminating the need for a full-sized refrigerator.

When using an icebox or cooler, it’s important to plan your meals and grocery shopping accordingly. Make sure you have enough food storage capacity to meet your needs, and consider occasional trips to the supermarket to restock your supplies.

Here are some tips for effectively using an icebox or cooler in your van:

  • Use reusable ice packs to keep your food cold. These can be refrozen when needed and are a more sustainable alternative to disposable ice.
  • Organize your items inside the icebox or cooler to maximize space. Use containers or bags to keep different types of food separate and organized.
  • Pack your icebox or cooler strategically. Place items that you’ll need frequently, such as drinks or snacks, on top for easy access.
  • Consider adding insulation to your icebox or cooler to improve its cooling efficiency. Insulation can help maintain the cold temperature for longer periods.

To give you a better idea of what you can store in an icebox or cooler, here’s an example of a typical van life food storage setup:

Fruits and vegetables10 pounds
Meat and fish5 pounds
Dairy products (cheese, yogurt)1 pound
Drinks (water, juice)12 bottles
Condiments (mayonnaise, ketchup)Assorted bottles

With a well-organized icebox or cooler setup, you can enjoy fresh meals and snacks on your van life journey without the need for a traditional refrigerator. Just make sure to replenish your ice or ice packs regularly to ensure proper cooling.

Van Conversion Hack #6: Use a Powerbank and Battery Powered LED Lights Instead of Solar

When it comes to powering your van conversion on a budget, solar panels may seem like a significant investment. However, there are alternative power options that are both affordable and sustainable. One of these options is to use a powerbank and battery-powered LED lights.

A powerbank is a portable device that can store electrical energy and be used to charge your devices. It is a cost-effective solution for providing power to your van, especially when you’re on the go. Simply recharge the powerbank when you have access to an external power source, such as at a campground or a charging station. Then, you can use the powerbank to charge your phone, tablet, laptop, or other devices while on the road.

Another affordable and energy-efficient option for lighting in your van is battery-powered LED lights. LED lights are known for their low energy consumption and long lifespan. They provide bright and efficient lighting while minimizing power usage. By using battery-powered LED lights instead of traditional lighting fixtures, you can reduce your energy consumption and extend the life of your power sources.

In addition, using rechargeable batteries for your LED lights is a more sustainable choice in the long run. Rechargeable batteries can be used multiple times, which reduces landfill waste and saves money on disposable batteries. Make sure to choose rechargeable batteries with a high capacity to ensure longer usage periods between charges.

If you’re planning to go off-grid for extended periods and require more power, a portable solar panel can be a great investment. Portable solar panels are affordable, easy to set up, and provide a renewable source of energy for your van conversion. They harness the power of the sun to charge your devices and batteries, allowing you to enjoy sustainable van life electricity while reducing your carbon footprint.

By utilizing a powerbank, battery-powered LED lights, and potentially a portable solar panel, you can have affordable and sustainable power options for your van conversion. These alternatives will help you save money on your initial setup costs and reduce your environmental impact, making your van life experience more eco-friendly and budget-friendly.

Power OptionProsCons
Powerbank– Portable and convenient
– Can charge multiple devices
– Affordable
– Requires regular recharging
– Limited power capacity
Battery-Powered LED Lights– Energy-efficient
– Long lifespan
– Minimal power usage
– Rechargeable batteries
– Batteries need periodic recharging
Portable Solar Panel– Renewable power source
– Sustainable energy
– Off-grid capability
– Higher upfront cost
– Dependent on sunlight availability
– Requires setup and maintenance

As with any power option, it’s essential to consider your individual power needs and usage patterns. Assess how much power you require for your devices, lighting, and other electrical equipment to determine the most suitable combination of power sources for your van conversion.

Sustainable van life electricity

With these affordable power options, you can enjoy reliable electricity in your van without breaking the bank. Whether you choose a powerbank, battery-powered LED lights, or a portable solar panel, you’ll have the flexibility to meet your power needs while embracing a more sustainable van life.

Van Conversion Hack #7: Use Simple, Inexpensive DIY Curtains

Affordable window coverings are a crucial element of van conversion, providing privacy and adding style to your mobile home. While custom curtains can be expensive, there’s no need to break the bank. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can achieve the desired effect with simple and inexpensive DIY curtains.

When it comes to finding wallet-friendly options, start by exploring local stores or repurposing old sheets. You’ll be surprised at the variety of affordable fabrics available that can suit your van’s aesthetic. For a personalized touch, consider patterns or prints that reflect your style and personality.

To hang your DIY curtains, opt for cost-effective solutions such as tension rods or bungee cords. These simple tools provide an easy and adjustable way to secure your curtains in place, ensuring privacy whenever needed.

By choosing DIY curtains for your van conversion, you not only save money but also have the freedom to customize your window coverings to perfectly suit your needs and preferences. Whether you’re seeking blackout curtains for a better night’s sleep or lightweight sheers to allow soft natural light in, the possibilities are endless.

Remember, DIY curtains not only offer privacy but also play a key role in enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your van’s interior design. They can add personality and warmth to your space, making it feel like a true home on wheels.

So, get creative, unleash your inner designer, and transform your van into a cozy and stylish retreat with simple, inexpensive DIY curtains.

Benefits of DIY Curtains for Van Conversion:

  • Cost-effective alternative to expensive custom curtains
  • Wide variety of affordable fabric options available
  • Opportunity for personalization with patterns and prints
  • Adjustable and easy-to-install hanging solutions
  • Enhances privacy without compromising style
  • Adds warmth and personality to your van’s interior design

With simple DIY curtains, you can achieve privacy and style in your van life adventure without stretching your budget. Embrace your creativity, find affordable materials, and transform your van into a cozy sanctuary on the road.

Van Conversion Hack #8: Skip The Shower

When it comes to van life, space is a precious commodity. That’s why skipping the traditional shower setup in your van conversion can be a smart choice. Not only does it save valuable space, but it also reduces complexity and maintenance. Instead, consider alternative options for staying clean and refreshed on the road.

Alternatives to Shower in Van Life

One popular alternative is to use washcloths, biodegradable soap, and towels for cleaning. This simple and effective method allows you to freshen up wherever you are without the need for a dedicated shower space. It’s a convenient solution that saves both water and space.

Many van lifers also choose to utilize gym memberships or public showers at campsites or community centers. These facilities often provide clean and accessible showering options, allowing you to maintain good hygiene without the need for an onboard shower. Plus, it’s a great way to stay active and make the most of your membership benefits.

Saving Space in Van Conversion

By skipping the traditional shower, you free up valuable space in your van conversion for other essential amenities. Whether it’s a comfortable sleeping area, a functional kitchen, or additional storage, every square inch counts in a compact living space.

If you prefer a more immersive shower experience, you can invest in a portable outdoor shower. These innovative devices are designed to heat up with the power of the sun, allowing you to enjoy a refreshing shower no matter where you park your van. Portable outdoor showers are compact, easy to use, and cater to those who crave a closer-to-home bathing experience.


Van Conversion Hack #9: Sleep On a Camping Mat

When it comes to creating a comfortable sleep setup in your van, you don’t have to spend a fortune on a custom bed frame. Instead, consider starting with an affordable option like a camping mat or a thick yoga mat. These offer a budget-friendly sleeping surface that can be easily folded up or stowed away when you need extra space or have passengers joining you on your van life adventures.

A camping mat provides a cushioned surface that helps maximize your sleeping space in the van. It offers the flexibility of being able to roll it up and store it during the day, freeing up room for other activities or additional storage. Plus, camping mats are usually lightweight and portable, making them ideal for van life.

If you want to add an extra level of comfort to your sleeping setup, consider using a mattress topper on top of your camping mat. A mattress topper can provide additional support and cushioning, ensuring a more restful night’s sleep while still keeping your budget in mind.

Remember, the key to choosing a bed option for your van conversion is prioritizing a good night’s sleep without breaking the bank. With a camping mat or thick yoga mat, you can create a cozy sleeping space while maximizing the functionality of your van.

Benefits of Sleeping on a Camping Mat:

  • Affordable: Camping mats are considerably more budget-friendly compared to traditional bed frames or mattresses.
  • Space-saving: The foldable nature of camping mats allows for easy storage and provides versatile use of your van’s interior space.
  • Portability: Camping mats are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for van life on the go.

Tips for Sleeping Comfortably in Your Van:

  1. Choose a camping mat or thick yoga mat that provides adequate cushioning and support for your comfort.
  2. Consider using a mattress topper for added comfort.
  3. Optimize your sleeping space by folding up the camping mat during the day or when you need extra room.
  4. Use soft bedding and pillows to create a cozy sleeping environment.
  5. Ensure proper ventilation and temperature control in your van to promote a comfortable sleep environment.

Incorporating a camping mat into your van conversion allows you to prioritize a good night’s sleep while keeping your budget in check. By maximizing your sleeping space and choosing affordable bed options, you can fully enjoy the van life experience without compromising comfort or breaking the bank.

More affordable than traditional bed frames and mattressesMay not provide the same level of comfort as a traditional mattress
Space-saving and foldable for versatile use of the van’s interiorMay require additional bedding or padding for optimal comfort
Lightweight and portable for easy transportDoes not provide the same level of support as a traditional mattress

Ultimately, sleeping on a camping mat offers an affordable and convenient solution for van life sleeping arrangements. When combined with cozy bedding and appropriate ventilation, you can create a comfortable sleeping space in your van conversion without compromising on the van life experience.

Van Conversion Hack #10: Get Creative With Storage Solutions

When it comes to van conversions, maximizing storage space is crucial. By getting creative with storage solutions, you can keep your belongings organized and make the most of the available space in your van. Affordable storage options for van conversion are not limited to expensive pre-made storage units. Instead, consider using recycled materials to build your own shelves or cabinets. This not only saves money but also allows you to customize the storage to fit your specific needs.

In addition to DIY storage units, utilizing baskets, bins, and shoeboxes can be a cost-effective way to keep smaller items organized. These items can easily be found at affordable prices and help maximize space in your van. Moreover, using vertical or under-seat storage options can free up valuable floor space.

When designing your storage solutions, think outside the box. Consider utilizing unused spaces such as the area above the driver’s cab or the back of your van’s doors. These areas can be transformed into additional storage compartments to hold items like bedding, clothing, or cooking supplies.

maximizing space in van life

Storage Ideas for Your Van Conversion:

  • Use pegboards or magnetic strips to hang tools and utensils.
  • Install cargo netting across the ceiling to hold lightweight items.
  • Utilize tension rods to create hanging storage for clothing or curtains.
  • Mount hooks on the back of the front seats for easy access to bags or jackets.
  • Invest in collapsible storage cubes or vacuum-sealed bags for efficient use of space.

Remember, the key to maximizing space in van life is to be resourceful and think creatively. By utilizing affordable storage options and customizing your storage solutions, you can make your van a functional and organized living space without breaking the bank.

Use vanspace 3D to Plan Your Camper Conversion

Planning a camper van conversion can be a challenging task. However, with the help of tools like vanspace 3D, you can streamline the process and create a well-optimized van life layout. This innovative software allows you to create a detailed 3D floorplan and visualize different designs for your van. By experimenting with various layouts, you can effectively optimize your living space and storage while avoiding costly mistakes.

Vanspace 3D simplifies the planning process by providing you with a user-friendly interface and a wide range of customization options. You can easily drag and drop furniture, appliances, and other elements into your virtual van, allowing you to explore different arrangements and configurations. This not only helps you assess the feasibility of your chosen layout but also enables you to visualize the final result before making any physical changes to your van.

One of the key advantages of using vanspace 3D is its ability to optimize your van’s layout. The software offers valuable insights into space utilization, traffic flow, and storage capacity. By fine-tuning your design, you can maximize every inch of available space and ensure that your camper conversion meets your specific needs and preferences.

Additionally, vanspace 3D allows you to experiment with different furniture placement, bed orientations, and storage solutions. This flexibility enables you to create a van life layout that caters to your individual lifestyle and travel requirements. Whether you’re a solo traveler, a couple, or a family, this software can assist you in customizing your van’s interior to suit your unique needs.

Another benefit of vanspace 3D is its cost-effectiveness. By using this tool, you can make informed decisions about which materials and components are essential for your van conversion. Avoiding unnecessary expenses and material wastage can help you stick to your budget and ensure that your camper van project remains affordable.

In summary, vanspace 3D is a valuable resource for anyone planning a camper conversion. It provides you with the necessary tools and visualizations to optimize your van life layout and create a functional and personalized living space. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or seeking professional help, this software will guide you through the planning process and help you bring your van life dreams to life.

Don’t Buy Everything At Once

When embarking on your van conversion journey, it can be tempting to rush out and buy everything you think you’ll need. But here’s a budget-friendly tip: resist that urge. Instead, start with the essentials and gradually purchase additional items as you actually need them. This approach not only spreads out your budget but also allows you to assess your real needs on the road.

By prioritizing van life essentials, you can make informed purchasing decisions and avoid buying unnecessary items. Take the time to evaluate what is truly essential for your van life experience. You might find that certain items can be substituted with more affordable alternatives, saving you money without compromising your comfort or convenience.

Remember, the goal is to create a budget-friendly approach to van conversion that prioritizes your specific needs. By taking this deliberate and thoughtful approach, you can optimize your spending and make the most of your van life journey.


Transforming your van into a comfortable and stylish home on wheels doesn’t have to break the bank. With these affordable van life modifications and budget-friendly camper van upgrades, you can create the van of your dreams without spending a fortune. By considering second-hand items, alternative water and kitchen solutions, repurposing existing items, and getting creative with storage, you can maximize both comfort and style on a modest budget.

Remember, careful planning is key. Prioritize what’s essential for your van life journey and gradually purchase additional items as you need them. By taking a creative and resourceful approach, you can enjoy the freedom and adventure of van life without breaking the bank.

So, whether you’re embarking on a weekend getaway or a long-term van life adventure, embrace your DIY spirit and happy building! With affordable van life modifications, your van will become your haven on the road, offering comfort, style, and endless possibilities.


What are some affordable van life modifications I can make for under 0?

You can consider second-hand items, skip the expensive water pump, use a camp stove instead of a full kitchen setup, repurpose ‘house items’ in your camper van, use an icebox or cooler for food storage, use a power bank and battery-powered LED lights instead of solar, use simple and inexpensive DIY curtains, skip the shower and use alternative cleaning options, sleep on a camping mat for bedding, get creative with storage solutions, use vanspace 3D to plan your camper conversion, and don’t buy everything at once.

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